By appointment, Monday-Thursday
Our goal is to use this blog as a vehicle for sharing with clients and others who might benefit from what is written here. May you find something here that is impetus to ponder or merely brightens your day.

Defining Shame

If shame were somehow magically banished from this world, I might not have a counseling practice.  For most of my clients, at some point during the process of therapy, we eventually circle back to shame and its lifelong effects.  Dealing with shame is vital to one’s emotional health. A soundbite I repeat often in an

Balance = Human ≠ Perfection

Last week we wrote about New Year’s Resolutions and joining the “Top 40,” those who succeed.  Today we visit one of the foundations to success: understanding our humanness and accepting our imperfection.  We tend to discard our resolutions when we encounter imperfect implementation.  One blogger quoted psychologist Janet Polivy regarding the “What the Hell” effect

Defending Balance

Back to balance.  We have discussed the five dimensions of living a balanced life.  A discussion which could not be complete without visiting the notion of defense mechanisms, the coping strategies that aid us in our quest for balance.  Properly applied, our defense mechanisms help us live in harmony and like our emotions, they are